Choosing Freedom or Salvery
We are very pleased to announce the publication of the third of the three book series for the Success in Life - Level One training series. Each of these books are Biblically sound and amazing books meant to change your life and light the pathway of success in life that God intended for you.
Energy Never Ends
Time and time again, good science affirms or requires the existence of a creator God. There are a million questions that may be raised to confuse the best of us, but sometimes the truth simply stands on its own.
Give Me a New Heart
There is no reform of our lives until we have a “Change of Heart”. The Heart hold your Belief System which governs your behavior. All true life changes happen when we both encounter truth and incorporate that truth into our lives. But, “How?”
It start in your Heart and spreads to your Soul and Mind. It not merely based on science or human wisdom, but works like seeds planted in the Heart that grows into a good harvest of a new and better life.
Your Biases are not the Truth
If you seek the truth, be prepared to wade through a flood of biases that pretend to be truths. Truth is unchanging and should come from a reliable and authoritative source.
Biases are not truth though they are strenuously held, defended, and popular. There are not two truths that compete for the same space. One is wrong or mistaken, and the other is reliable and can be trusted.
The Foundations of the Earth
Can you imagine a time before time when God literally engineered all the millions of operations that govern life on the Earth and the universe? There are more major and minor operations that have been artistically set in place to make life for each of use possible.
This great Architect has also committed all His power to those who choose to believe that He is who He says He is and that He is a faithful Rewarder of those who trust Him.
Is there Truth if there is No God?
Think deeply about the true God Who existed before time was invented. Time is a construct, not an eternal principle. The big question is what was truth before all that we know to be true? This thought will likely be more than you can handle.
Christian Positive Affirmations
There is a huge difference in the correct positive affirmation and misdirected affirmations. It is true that that a positive attitude will carry you much further than worry, fear, and negativism. Positive affirmations are a purposeful statement of faith. Knowing how to make positive affirmations will be a major source of strength as you move toward your God appointed destiny.
The Principal Truth Podcast
As we produce a variety of books for our members, we also understand that reading books has become a lesser pastime for many people. In that our message is both inspirational as well as practical, the new ability to make our message more personal and convenient can be accomplished via digital media. The Principal Truth podcast is the latest project that brings a variety of Christian success-in-life messages to our listeners.
God Made you to Succeed
The Principal Truth Institute, is offering this incredible book free of charge to anyone who wants to understand and enable success in their life. This book is the first of several interesting study books that spell out the nature and cycle of success.
God is not against us, nor does He intend that we fail at anything that is good. When we understand our calling in life, the rest is an adventure that will always have a good solution for the people of faith.
Why does God Love Us?
A thoughtful person should one day ask, Why does God Love us? God’s love is yet another aspect of th secret to success in life. God did not create us to fail.
We are included in His Gran Plan, and that includes His infinite resources that allows anyone to realize success at any level of life.
The Spirit and the Soul Provision
A functional human being is not merely a person in good health and physically capable of working hard. The Inner Man is as much a part of your ability to function as the Outer man, which is the body.
How can we function as a complete being without using all that God intended for a successful life? God built us to succeed at any level of life, but failure comes from poor preparedness. The Inner man, composed of the Heart, Soul, and Mind is where all winning starts.
Discover Your Unique Path to Success
We are not on own own. If so, we are not going to have the added favor on our lives that sustains us in the effort and opens doors that seem very much like a huge blessing. It is in the less obvious areas that we feel the wind of God’s favor pushing us into the next phase of His intended plan for our lives.
Are Belief and Faith the Same?
We all need faith. More so as we face adversity and disappointments. It is in the hard moments that we try to steel ourselves to somehow muscle through to a better day. But this is not like singing, “The Sun will Come out Tomorrow”, but the opportunity to align with God’s plan and purpose. Here’s a secret. If you rather ask, “What am I suppose to learn in this testing?”, you will begin to understand that the next step is reward.
The Three Great Virtues
While in the area of service, love is said to be the greatest virtue; in fact all three are great virtues. To discount faith and hope is to sustain the motive for what we do, but the other two are also invaluable assets to how we succeed in life. These three key character assets will propel anyone forward in small victories and major accomplishments.
A Simple Letter to a Friend
I have the great desire to never regret in heaven that chance to have my friends and family with me in such an amazing place. One friend had started years ago over the phone, and we talk regularly. Although I add snippets of my testimony, I felt the need to be kindly pointed in my desire to introduce Jesus as his savior too.
Expections and Solutions
The concept of a mastermind group is to find ideas and solutions that are not confined to your own experiences and guesses. But, while we are encouraged to seek wisdom from those who have a better perspective than our own; perhaps the greatest Mastermind is seeking God. Just know that the best solution may not be the solution you prefer, but is likely the solution you need.
There is not One Version of Success
Success at Any Level of Life means that we should strive to have many successes, small and medium, for a well-rounded life. Success is not one thing. Success is an amalgam of many lesser relationships in life. You need not be a millionaire to be happy or lead a multi-million dollar business. Instead work at making a success of what is in front of you, the big successes will follow.
A Perpetual Victory Parade
The phrase "Altitude determines Attitude" encapsulates a profound truth about how one’s perspective can transform adverse situations into opportunities for growth. It suggests that ascending to a higher vantage point, both literally and metaphorically, can alter our understanding and emotional response to challenges we face.
Up Against a World of Trouble
I dare say that no one has told you the meaning of life in these terms. Life is not merely animation as some propose. Life is not self-awareness as others postulate. Life is not made full by living your days to their fullest experiences. Life is borrowed ...
Where is the Spirit of Man Located?
The Spirit of man is an important influence in our lives. There are two dominant influences in the Soul of man, but so little has been written on this subject. The Bible, however, is not silent on the systems that make up the Inner Man. The faculty of the Spirit awakens when the Holy Spirit enters creating a new relationship with God.