Your Biases are not the Truth

Following Biases or Truth

What you believe may not be the full truth no matter how diligently you argue for your acquired beliefs. This is true at many levels that go beyond religion. The 2024 election was the latest example of people who argued vociferously for their candidate. What we saw was much of the hyperbolic language fell flat after the election though some naysayers are still arguing against the newly elected precedent.

A bias is similar to an ideology. You are welcome to believe something regardless of your ability to prove your point or make a convincing argument. You can believe deeply in Santa Claus, cite books on the subject, and show proof that someone ate the cookies you left out for Santa, but that belief is more emotional and works on the gullible mind.

Biases and ideologies are often more passionate than reality. Look at any subject across the Internet to see crackpots, zealots, and self-impressed intellectuals who will argue to no end for their beliefs.

The Fog of Pettifoggery

Pettifoggery is a term for the art of arguing a useless and meaningless claim. We may say that he is “trying to talk it to death”. Does the fact that someone may eloquently or artfully argue a false claim make the claim valid? An attorney may be called upon to defend a known criminal or argue a legal point in support of a guilty client. If there is no solid ground for the case, he may use pettifoggery and clever lies to win the case. You see, lawyer are allowed to lie in court … in defense of their client.

From the beginning of time, all that is true has been passed down to man by God. All of man’s rules, laws, philosophies, and ideas have been discarded like a ten-year-old school book that is no longer reliable.

We credit the wisdom of man too generously. Great men and societies fall and fade to be replaced with the next iteration of common beliefs, rules, and trends. What truth endures continues to endure because it came originally from God. If God made us male and female, no amount of dispute, rancor, or redefinition will change that lasting standard.



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