Hand reaching towards a bright light in the sky surrounded by clouds with text "One God - One Truth - One Hope".

OUR MISSION is “Success in Life” which is not found in the typical teachings and trends in the World (kosmos) system but stems from the concept of God’s Word as truth. That God-inspired truth is food for the Inner Man. The Inner Man is designed by God and turns the power of the Word of God into the power to persevere until we reach the Good solution God has already prepared, both in the present hour or in eternity.

Starting squarely at John 1:1, we are convinced that faith is premised on one true God, one source of Truth, and one Path to success in this life and the next. Jesus declared that He is “The Way, the Truth, and the Life” which settles the illusive question of where to start our pursuit of an enriched life that exceeds our finite ability to solve our issues and build a life that counts. With the Word as our truth, we are empowered to succeed at any level of life.

What is Truth?

At a crisis moment in history, Jesus Christ stood before Pilate as the religious leader and the move shouted for his death without proving any charges for His arrest. After examining Christ and finding no flaw in Him, Pilate asked one to the most important questions in history.

“What is truth?” Pilate asked as Jesus who declared that He was “The Way, the Truth, and the Life” To make matters worse, he offered to release a vile criminal or Jesus to the crowd, and they demanded the release of the criminal and the crucifixion of Christ.

The Principal Truth has taken on the mission of exploring the origin, operation, and its power in the universe. To know the truth is freedom, but receipt is rampant and often attractively wrapped.

The Principal Truth (Proverbs 4:7) is the truth that is light, wisdom, and freedom for all who will listen. Truth, knowledge, and wisdom are the themes of Proverbs that hold out the best of life to those who will seek and find it.

All of history has been about the war between Truth and Fiction. Satan is a liar and the father of the Lie. God is the source of truth. You were made to seek the truth, follow it diligently, and realize that the truth will always produce a blessed result if we only keep faith in who God is and that He rewards those who will live by faith. (Hebrews 11:6)

Ancient king addressing a crowd in a grand hall with columns, wearing a golden crown and ornate robes.


Everyone is given a calling of destiny from the moment of conception, and each of us is meant to succeed. There is only the question of what your success looks like. Money and fame are only one version of success that God intends to be used to be used for His kingdom. We start the journey with two important and foundational books. Order these two books to initiate your lifetime membership in our success discovery journey.

Book cover for "Covenant and Crucible" by Michael Richmond, featuring an ornate gold design against a dark background. Text includes "God Made You to Succeed" and "The Principal Truth Institute: Success in Life Training."
Green book cover titled 'The Vine and the Branches: Finding Your Destiny.' Includes subtitle 'The Principal Truth Institute - Success in Life Training' by Michael Richmond. Features a circular design with leaves and vines.