The Spirit and the Soul Provision

I had new insight II Timothy 3:16 that affirms one the key teachings of The Principal Truth Institute. The faculty of the Spirit residing in the Soul of the Inner Man and the Heart is where the the thoughts and intents of man happen.

These are clues stuffed inside a more profound statement about the inspiration of Scripture. I find these easy-to-overlook clues everywhere. But these small insights build a growing understanding of the workings of the Inner Man, which is actually the real you temporarily housed in a body of flesh.

While the system of the Heart is hard at work trying to find truth in a confused and God-defiant world, the Soul is the interface whereby we engage the multitude of relationships in the real world around us. The optimum function of the Soul relies on two necessary support systems.

  • The heart receives information and then determines what truth is for your belief system to trust and follow.

  • The Faculty of the Spirit is indwelt by the Holy Spirit as a direct link to God’s strength and power.

Based on what we believe to be true and powered by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we must deal with the countless relationships that we encounter in our daily experience. Imagine dealing with all that is out there without having a strong Belief System of your own. This would be like having no immune system while working in an infectious disease ward of the hospital. Or, what if we had no inner guidance that helped us make decisions as we go through the day?

Here’s the point. God did not leave us without the resources we needed each day. By reading the Bible, we find nuggets of truth that we can etch on the tables of our Heart, which is your Belief System. Through prayer and listening to that inner voice, we are guided through the countless decisions needed each day.

There is so much to be said about the workings of the Inner Man and how we can be victorious in life if we quiet the noise and demands from others and learn how to follow God. It starts with discovering how God built you to succeed. Let The Principal Truth Institute help you find “Success at Any Level of Life.”

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