It is not enough to read a book, understand profound truths, and find your true destiny in life. The Principal Truth Institute coaches have successfully graduated from our Success in Life training, and wish to now train and coach others in their community to find their destiny and achieve the purpose of God in their lives. Each SIF coach has successfully navigated the one-year training and keeps their information current with The Principal Truth accrediting program.

The concept of a coach is that you have personally experienced the value of the critical principles taught in our Success in Life materials. Your experience allows you to have confidence that the Bible is our true sourcebook and that its principles are true and faithful.

In a very distracting and disturbed world, people tend to “Wing it” in life using the Bible as a marginal resource and getting a Sunday boost to stay the course. But, there is a volume of tremendous teachings about our manner of life, how we handle problems, and how to make it successfully through life.

As a Success in life coach, you are the Barnabus-type person who undergirds the people in your life to stand in faith, deliberately move forward, and sustain the hope of impending victory. We are seeking men and women who are looking to have a ministry that empowers people and opens the door to Success in Life at Any Level.

You will start by taking the Success in Life course and personally learning the core practices that are extracted from the Bible. Apply what you learn to your life. This is a faith system where the truth is matured into confident faith, and what you will find is that so many others lack the full measure of faith and confidence that is required by the key verse of Hebrews 11:6

“For without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he that comes to God MUST BELIEVE that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him”

There are radically crucial milestones that are common for all who want to see God move barriers and deliver the success that we all seek.