The Serving Heart program is our certification or appointment training that allows an appointed person to bring the ministry side of The Principle Truth Institute program to their community.
Whether one-on-one, group, or Success in Life business group; the TPTI mentor acts as a mentor or trainer of those you serve in the community. The certification program may take up to a year and requires the completion of a series of powerful online and live training courses to earn the status of an appointed (ordained) minister for The Principal Truth Institute para-church ministry.
To assure a diligent pursuit of the training program, we ask for a $1000 fee that will be returned to you to help fund your ministry program. Whether in one or two payments, we believe in the growth of this ministry in many locations in the United States and all other countries. Our training programs are exciting and enjoyable. Your personal experience of spiritual growth and success in life will be an example to others in your realm of influence. Monthly meetings are anticipated to solidify the application of the training.
Each year, The Principle Truth Institute offers $10,000 awards to a few existing or new Christian business that chooses to enter the TPTI grant program prior to September 30 of each year.
We believe that $10,000 can give a business a significant boost to the business, so applicants pay $100 to enter and fill out the application. We distribute more than 100% of all funds taken in by this program that will help your successful business in the community.
Participation in the Success in Life Network is attendance in monthly training, going through the Eager Heart online courses, and help build the Success in Life Network.
We promote a Christian concept of helping the success of another as low-cost, highly-effective program for each participating business. This is not a lead or referral group. We promote a success mentality that allows the group to focus on the success of others.
Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.
Philippians 2:3
Each month, one or two businesses will be selected as the “Brother Business” and each person in the group commits to helping the “Brother Business” succeed. These are real and robust efforts that will propel the business grow and become profitable.
Each month, other Brother Businesses are helped to reach the next level of success. More than a MasterMind group, each member offers their very best efforts to push the member businesses to a higher level of success.
Other than the business applications, some of our appointed ministers can use the training materials to help people in a Success in Life Network overcome barriers to their spiritual growth and find the answers for the direction of their lives.
Groups are for teaching purposes and guided growth with the help of the trained mentor.
Very often, Christians are ill-equipped to grow on a spiritual level. The Principal Truth Institute provides a guided platform allowing people to grow through their issues with guidance rather than relying on preaching, platitudes, and a consoling friend. These groups have access to monthly meetings for high-quality training sessions.