The Meta-World Influencers

During my studies about the basic concept of society, I encountered the inexplicable difficulty of trying to define the fabric of the unseen. The pursuit is like chasing shadows or explaining gravity. We know that a “community” is nothing except what a like-minded group makes of it. It is a “Construct” of rules, customs, economics, and shared beliefs that brings people together for a shared good purpose. However, the words “construct” or “artifice” are not enough to explain the power and influence of society in every aspect of our lives.

Without realizing it for many months, the movie “Matrix” which was very creative and entertaining science fiction was an eye-opener for me. In the movie, Neo was given a binary choice of a Red Pill which represents reality, and the Blue Pill that represents the fiction. and depicts a dystopian future in which humanity is unknowingly trapped inside the Matrix, a simulated reality that intelligent machines have created to distract humans while using their bodies as an energy source.

In my comparison, the reality is living in a troubled world with faith in God as the ultimate Ruler, and the fiction is how we have constructed mankind together in small and superseding communities. There are two rival opportunities given to us in every generation. One is living in the fiction (Blue Pill) of society which operates independently of and in opposition to the authority of God, the Creator. The fiction's basic requirements are conformity to its rules and participation in its trends.

The second opportunity (the Red Pill) is choosing to step out of the system of society and into the “kingdom” where we are free of society’s rules and expectations and free to follow the God of creation in alignment with God’s written word.

In The Principal Trust training series, I explore how we operate from the Inner Man composed of Heart, Soul, and Mind that feeds on the Word, is directed by the Spirit, and creates a life that glorifies God and brings success to our lives.

The meta-universe or world we now hear so much about is the epitome of society. In the meta-world, 98% of people are followers and resources that are constantly encouraged to conform to the constantly changing whims of the 2%, who are the Influencers. There are no absolute rules like in God’s kingdom where truth endures forever. The meta-world or meta-verse is ruled by trends, fashion, games, consensus, and powerful influencers. There is no absolute truth, and frankly, there is no room for God or His way of life.

The Matrix is just a movie, but it may have also been the moment when the architect of a godless society tipped his hand.


Influences and Slavery


Help Your Heart Help You