There are three books in the Success in Life training system, but do not be in a rush to read all three yet. I want you to slow down and digest this material because your success is not like a recipe that happens in 15 minutes. Your assignment is to read “The Covenant and The Crucible” with depth of thought.

Using the materials and videos in this section should be stretched over 5-7 days. The weekly live and recorded live training is intended to create what I call “The Epiphany Effect” where your eyes light up and a moment of enlightenment arrives.

The turning of the course of your life happens over weeks and months, so we want you to be a subscriber as well as a student. The re-alignment of your life will happen, but it will happen over a period of time.

Where Else Will You Go?

For those who are wondering if this program will work, I want to say it always works because … as you will learn, this is God’s grand plan and God will always win. And He wants you to be victorious as well. But, you must place confidence in a plan that you do not control.

I have to ask an important question here. If you choose not to adopt a plan that makes God the most important part of your success plan … to who else will you go? At one point, there were people who stopped following Jesus

“After this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him.  So Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you want to go away as well?” Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.” John 8:66-69

Do not imagine that a true life change will be easy or easy to understand. You can anticipate that even the Yellow Brick Road had “Lions and Tigers and Bears”. Though only a child’s story, no success system promises you an easy, flowery path to your goals. Plus, they will require that you follow a number of rules, work at retraining your mind, and to fully commit to the cause.

Given a choice on where to commit our lives, do we make the decision to follow those who have the semblance of success … know that they are mortal and fallible?

You will learn the 5% and 95% rule of influence in the second book, “The Vine and the Branches”, but just know that 95% of the population are chasing the dreams of the 5% which rarely work as promised.

By contrast, read Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 

This brings us to a decision of ultimate logic. Who will we trust and follow? Who should we commit our lives to trusting our futures into the hands of another? We are not the master of our fate, but the managers of His estate.

Imagine unlocking the divine blueprint for wisdom – not just knowing more, but truly understanding life through God's lens. This fascinating exploration reveals how wisdom isn't simply accumulated knowledge, but rather a transformative journey that begins in the heart and flows through every aspect of our being.

Drawing from Proverbs, we discover a four-stage progression that takes us from raw information to true wisdom. But here's what makes this journey extraordinary: it's not just about gathering facts. It's about how our heart acts as a spiritual refinery, purifying what we learn into something precious and valuable.

The text unveils how our inner being – heart, soul, and mind – works in perfect harmony to process and apply this wisdom. Think of it as a spiritual ecosystem: the heart pumps faith like blood through our spiritual body, the soul manages our countless relationships, and the mind becomes a field constantly renewed with fresh understanding.

But perhaps most intriguingly, we learn that this entire process rests on three unshakeable beliefs about God's nature and our place in His plan. These foundational truths transform how we view every challenge and opportunity in our lives.

Whether you're seeking deeper spiritual understanding or practical wisdom for daily living, this material offers insights that bridge the gap between biblical truth and practical application. It's an invitation to discover how God designed us to grow in wisdom and understanding in ways that go far beyond mere knowledge.

For group study, focus at this early stage on an appreciation of the elements God has put in place that are already in place that provide the stairsteps to understanding and wisdom. Remember that we are told that “Wisdom is the Principal Thing”, but do not bypass understanding. We are called through the books of Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes to we wise and not fooled by lies.

Where Else Will You Go?

For those who are wondering if this program will work, I want to say it always works because … as you will learn, this is God’s grand plan and God will always win. And He wants you to be victorious as well. But, you must place confidence in a plan that you do not control.

I have to ask an important question here. If you choose not to adopt a plan that makes God the most important part of your success plan … to who else will you go? At one point, there were people who stopped following Jesus

“After this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him.  So Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you want to go away as well?” Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.” John 8:66-69

Do not imagine that a true life change will be easy or easy to understand. You can anticipate that even the Yellow Brick Road had “Lions and Tigers and Bears”. Though only a child’s story, no success system promises you an easy, flowery path to your goals. Plus, they will require that you follow a number of rules, work at retraining your mind, and to fully commit to the cause.

Given a choice on where to commit our lives, do we make the decision to follow those who have the semblance of success … know that they are mortal and fallible.

You will learn the 5% and 95% rule of influence in the second book, “The Vine and the Branches”, but just know that 95% of the population are chasing the dreams of the 5% which rarely work as promised.

By contrast, read Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 

This brings us to a decision of ultimate logic. Who will we trust and follow? Who should we commit our lives to trusting our futures into the hands of another? We are not the master of our fate, but the managers of His estate.

There are certain major principles that we are building upon, and they will emerge multiple times in the length of our program. So, let me tell you why. The goal is not to entertain people or to say something new. For our program to work for you, there needs to be some repeatable systems or practices that we will see in a variety of new applications. This allows our members to consistently solve any new challenge that may come their way.

This is why there are three core elements to know at level one, the study of the three critical systems of the Inner Man at level two, and we will expand into a variety of applications of what you’ve learned in levels one and two. But though there are a myriad of applications that we will address, you will find that we only need to revisit the God-established basics in levels one and two.

We will get into marriage, divorce, anxiety, money, dealing with problems and intermediate failures, past mistakes and habits, and so much more. But, we will apply the very same core principles that you have learned in levels one and two. This is because, God put in you the tools to reform your life, heal from abuse, and get your life back on the success track.

All that is required that to remember six overriding concepts because they are the foundation necessary to move through all the issues of life. These principles are not just about bringing success into your life but have a remedial and healing function for your life.