Sin equals Missing the Mark

One verse stands out to me as I daily go through my memory verse using VerseLocker. One came to mind as I woke up to brush my hair, drink a little juice, and spend time in worshipping prayer before reaching for my Bible. This verse once again affirms one of the critical basis of The Principal Truth Institute's mission. And, it led me to the further understanding of Sin equals missing the mark. If we don’t get the foundation sure, the building will one day fall.

“Your word have I hidden in my Heart, that I might not sin against you” Psalms 119:11

As you will see in a short video below, the word khata (sin) in the Old Testament and hamartia (sin) both have their original meaning as “missing the mark” which is actually quite helpful. There is an overt understanding of sin as doing wrong, deceit, unfairness, and lying. We’re all caught up in sin many times in life, and some far more deeply than others. But, God doesn’t see a variation of sin. All sin is absolutely abhorrent to God and may not be allowed in His kingdom. So, He determined to cancel sin by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the sin debt and cleanse us from the harm sin brings.

But, on the subject of Success at Any Level of Life which is one of the major themes of The Principal Truth Institute, missing the mark equals failure. Such “Failure” is not necessarily a catastrophic crash in your life, but failures (small and large) that rob you of the other achievements that were supposed to make you happy.

Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda

In retrospect, each of us can look back and say, “I should have done that stupid thing”, “That was a stupid mistake”, “If I had it to do over again…” But, we can not edit out our past mistakes like it was a video and we had a video editor. So, the big question is “How can I avoid “Stupid Mistakes?” That is the urgent question of this chapter, and I think that we need to stop and listen to the answer that comes from the God who has control of all things … including your life.

“How can a young man cleanse his way?”

  • Bible Reading: By taking heed according to Your word. With my whole heart I have sought You; Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments!

  • Bible Memorization: Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You.  Blessed are You, O Lord!

  • Listen to Biblical Messages: Teach me Your statutes. With my lips I have declared All the judgments of Your mouth. I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies, as much as in all riches.  

  • Meditation on Bible Themes: I will meditate on Your precepts,  and contemplate Your ways. I will delight myself in Your statutes;

  • Bring the Truth into your daily Actions: I will not forget Your word.

Read Psalms 119 as though it offered invaluable advice for a Successful Life, a Successful Business, a Successful Marriage, Successful Child raising, Success against Anxiety, Success in Finances, Success over Besetting Sin, and Success at Any Level of Life.

Let me be very serious here. This is not an “Easy Peasey” process. There are momentary failures, ugly problems that will happen, many temptations to cheat, unfair hurts to overcome, and periods when all we are told seem to be fruitless. But, here is some good news. “Let us not weary in well-doing: for due season, we shall reap if we faint (FAIL) not” or modern English translation “Don’t Quit when you are standing by faith in what is RIGHT.”

INSIGHT: If you are part of the training series and learning how the Heart of the Inner man operates, you will note appreciate yet another key verse on the purpose of the Heart in v 11 that demonstrates that the Heart takes in the Word of Truth and uses it to produce faith and your Belief System.

We all have the DESIRE to achieve “The Good Life” but let’s change that to “Our Best Life”. It is folly to chase money and wealth as though that was the singular path to happiness. If we get wealth as the cost of our marriage, our health, our reputation, or standing with God …. then we are LOSERS like

In the Greek myth of Icarus, Daedelus, the father of Icarus, had been imprisoned in a tower by a wicked king. Daedelus was a skilled artisan who fashioned wings from feathers and beeswax. Daedelus warned his son not to fly too high as the heat of the sun could melt the wax or not to fly too low as the moisture of the sea would make the wings wet and heavy.

To their delight, the wings worked, and that meant that they could escape their prison tower. This was their vision of SUCCESS. Success was not POSSIBLE.

However, Icraus was filled with hubris (excessive pride) and flew higher and higher until he encountered his FAILURE when the sun’s heat melted the wax holding the wings together. Icarus fell into the sea and drowned.

You see: His success provided by the father failed by not heeding his father’s instructions.

The Principal Truth Institute offers a unique and powerful training program that does not promise wealth and power. God intends all of us to be successful in the many levels of life we can truly value. This is not success training with a worldly flourish, but the success in life that may include but does not require riches alone.

This video from is one of the most simple and effective descriptions I seen. Great work!


God’s Open Door … or Not


From Knowledge to Wisdom