The Gullible Heart

Did you know that your Heart, not the blood pump of the body, is designed to be a “Truth Detector”? The Heart is the door of entry for all information or data, and the God-appointed purpose of your Heart is to find, prove, and build your personal Belief System … and it all starts in the Heart.

Too many times in life, we fell for a lie, trusted someone who couldn’t be trusted, or made a decision that we deeply regretted later. This happened more than a few times and forced us to distrust anyone, even God.

How can we ever figure out what is true and reliable and who or what is a harmful lie?

The Heart of man is, in a word “Fallible, and easily fooled”. I can say that from the countless times that I put my trust in something that turned out to be embarrassing, hurtful, and robbed me of valuable things. In fact, the Bible tells us that the Heart is flawed when it comes to decerning what is true for the best in our lives.

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.” Jeremiah 17:9-10

The Heart is one of three major systems of the Inner Man. Its primary job is discerning Truth from Lies, Useful from Unuseful, and Reliable from Unreliable. The Heart uses the information it gathers each day to modify the Belief System. And, the Belief System is all that we value as true.

The unrestrained Heart, however, will skew in judgment because of “Desires, Wants, and Hopes” for things that may be little more than rotten fabric that will not hold up well over time. We then experience disappointment, regret, and defeat later in life. The Heart needs something more than intellect, experience, and warnings to operate in a manner that blesses our life. Share in some amazing studies that will help you build your Heart and Belief system on the truth.


Defining the Principal Truth